Frequently Asked Questions - Ready LMS (powered by aNewSpring)

What can I change after I’ve published a Template?

When a Template is published in Ready LMS, you’re restricted from changing certain things, to prevent complications for Learners.

The following settings are unable to be changed once a Template has been published:

  • The Purpose of the Template.
  • The Retention Training with the MemoTrainer option cannot be disabled.
  • Learning Journey with Instructors cannot be disabled if there are any Webinar or 360° Feedback Activities.
  • Published Activities can no longer be deleted.
  • Conditions cannot be deleted or added for any published Activities or Blocks.

See also:

When editing a Look & Feel, how do I see how each change is applied?

On most browsers, pressing the Ctrl, Shift and R keys simultaneously will do a "hard refresh", which will force the browser to reload all the content on the page.

If you have another browser tab open on the Home screen of your learning environment, you can perform a "hard refresh" to cause the page to reload and apply all the changes that you’ve made to your Look & Feel.

How long are our Ready LMS Licences active for?

Licences in Ready LMS will typically be valid for a year after a Learner starts their Course. If a Licence isn't used, it will expire after two years.

If you use Short Course licences, these will instead expire one month after the learner starts the course. These still have the same two-year expiry period if the Licence isn’t used.

If a Learner activates their Subscription right before the two-year inactivity period, they will have access to their course for the full licence period.

Will it cost a licence every time I enrol a Learner in a Course?

No, Licences are only charged per Learner, instead of per Course. So long as the Learner has an active Licence, they can be enrolled in as many courses as needed within their Licence period.

If a Learner still has an Active enrolment in a Course when their Licence period expires, they may automatically renew, which will cost an additional Licence.

How can I change the content of Notification emails?

Email Notifications can be customised by the Tenant, by navigating to Settings > Advanced Settings > Edit Email Contents.
Email Notifications are presented in an HTML format in the editor, so some experience with HTML may be necessary to edit them.

See also:

Can we have Notification Emails send from our own Email Address/ Can we use a custom URL for our Ready LMS site?

If you'd like to have your website's domain or Email address changed, email us at letting us know the address that you'd like to have set up. This request must be sent by a user with the Tenant role.

For more information, see the articles below:


The above articles list the Email address for the Netherlands support team. We request that you email our team at
Aaron is the author of this solution article.

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